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  Akyn Resim Çerceve - About US?  

Art possesses inspiration...

The slogan “Art possesses inspiration”, for us, is result of 25 years of experince.
What we have learned in 25 years term? First of all, we have embraced calling partner rather than customer.
We observed that partners turned into close friends in the time.
We understood that the best reference is the close friends which are satisfied with our service.

To provide the most proper product to our partners, we have created an archive consisting thousands of images.
To find solutions instantly, we saved our image archive to our minds not only to our computer.
We have learned that custumer satisfaction is "being as sharp as a needle".
We adopted the necessity of unity of fast solution together with right solution in management as principle for us.

We have believed that every work must be engaged in solemnity.
We have grasped our work with passion.
To do our best when we do have become our indispensable principle.

We present you digital printing in every kind and dimension, oil painting, reproductions of thousands of works of worldwide famous artists and photographers, frames and mirrors.

To be your partner which considers about you and provides you the best solutions for you;
we open our door in Bâb-y Âli (Bâb means door in Arabic / Âli means:süblime or exalted in Persian) every day with same enthusiam.
And we leave our signatures to all of our Works.


With our respects
Akin Art Gallery

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